StoryWalk – July

Our title for July is Frog vs. Toad written and illustrated by Ben Mantle.
To learn more about author and illustrator Ben Mantle, visit this website: https://thebrightagency.com/…/childr…/artists/ben-mantle
Summer Camps & Classes

Registration is open for our amazing summer camp and class series! REGISTER NOW
StoryWalk – May

Our title for May is Ten Dragon Eggs written by Lynda Graham-Barber and illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler.
To learn more about author Lynda Graham-Barber, visit her website.
To learn more about illustrator Jeffrey Ebbeler, visit his website.
Listen to a read-aloud version of Ten Dragon Eggs (YouTube)
56th July Festival Exhibit and Competition

You are Invited!
Submit up to 4 works to the French Art Colony’s 56th Festival Exhibit and Competition. All submissions will be exhibited. Those selected by the jurors are displayed in the FAC Galleries from July 4 – July 31, 2024. All other works will be shown on the FAC Pavilion July 4 (10 am-4 pm).
Entries Accepted: Sunday, June 2, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday, June 3, 5:00-7:00 p.m. | Opening Reception: Thursday, July 4, 2024 2-4 pm. | Juried Gallery Exhibit: July 4th through July 31st |
See the EVENTS page for Application Information and Entry Forms!
If you are an aspiring photographer (or painter), wanting to improve your working knowledge on the Rules of Composition, this is the class for you. Long time area professional photographer and studio owner, Randy Houdashelt, will be teaching this class. You learn how to improve the quality of your photographic images through the use of several principles of composition. For the Painters among you, many of the principles covered apply to painted images as well. Bring your cell phones or cameras, this class pertains to all of these devices. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 13th, from 10:00 am. until 12:00 noon. Make your reservations early as we have limited seating. Early reservation fee is $10.00, at the door $15.00. Phone: 740-446-3834.
Gallipolis City School District Annual Art Show
March 16th – 30th, 2024
Everyone is welcome to experience the fantastic display of artistry that embodies optimism and showcases potential!